The greatest joy a Christian can experience is seeing a new believer come to faith in Christ. Evangelistic preaching, especially when proclaimed by a vocational evangelist, is never out of style.
Just the thought of preaching an evangelistic sermon sends some pastors running for counseling and others to a PA (Pastors Anonymous) meeting. After 37 years in full time evangelism I think I have heard all the shallow comments about evangelists and their preaching.
What’s so sad is the element of truth in many of these off handed statements. The image of the multi media evangelist and his/her preaching style combined with their lack of sound biblical content has caused many pastors to shy away from incorporating evangelistic sermons in their sermonic quivers.
Why? Because most preachers, including evangelists, do not fully understand what constitutes authentic evangelistic preaching.
First, evangelistic preaching by its very meaning must be Christ-centered. The preacher is proclaiming the Good News of Jesus who walks through the entire Bible. From, “In the beginning,” to “Surely I am coming quickly,” His foot prints are on every page and in every chapter.
Second, evangelistic preaching must be Cross-centered. Regardless of our topic or text, our aim should be to point people to Jesus. He alone is their source of hope and encouragement. The only way to do this is to lift up the Cross.
Jesus said, “And I, if I am lifted up from the earth, will draw all peoples to Myself,” (John 12:32). The Cross and its meaning for all mankind for all eternity should be inserted into every sermon. When you omit the Cross it is like offering a thirsty man an empty water bottle from which to drink. When you embrace the Cross you will embrace the hurting needs of humanity.
Third, evangelistic preaching must be Culturally-centered. If you do not relate to your audience you end up preaching to yourself. Even some preachers are not sure what they have said when their sermon is concluded. After preaching over 5,000 sermons throughout the United States and in numerous international countries I have come to understand that the scriptures remain unchanged, but my content must relate to the culture I am addressing.
Sound biblical evangelistic exposition has several benefits: (1) It strengthens your audiences’ faith in the authority of the scriptures; (2) It affirms the testimonies of the great preachers of the past; (3) It makes the entire Bible live in the present by meeting the needs of your audience; (4) It sharpens the sword of apologetics by helping our listeners defend their faith; (5) It appeals to both the intellect and the emotion rather than one or the other; (6) It challenges the proclaimer to stay fresh in his study and in his skills of communication and creativity; (7) It keeps the focus on the destination of the sermon without taking detours; and (8) It calls for a decision on the part of everyone who has listened including the preacher. It is called the invitation.
The invitation is often the least thought out and least prepared part of the evangelistic sermon. It is not an appendix, but the final chapter. It is not a suggestion, but a mandate given by our Lord as illustrated in His first sermon in Mark 1:15. It must be given with complete dependance on the Holy Spirit. It must be given clearly. It must be given honestly. It must be given courteously. It must be given urgently. It must be given with integrity. But it must be given.
Persuasive pulpit evangelism is accomplished when we as pastors and evangelists clearly, simply, and spiritually, “Preach Jesus,warning every man and teaching every man in all wisdom, that we may present every man perfect in Christ Jesus,” (Col. 1:28). If we truly want to reverse the downward trend of baptisms in our convention, let me suggest you take an evangelistic sermon from your quiver place it on the bow of proclamation and let fly.
The target you hit will be well worth the effort. And by the way, pray about using someone who has been called to the New Testament office of evangelist. These are men who take seriously their responsibility and their obligation to preach the unsearchable riches of Christ.
July 21, 2016 Jerry Drace
Jerry Drace is pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Friendship, TN, and president of the Jerry Drace Evangelistic Association. He served two terms as the president of the Conference of Southern Baptist Evangelists, 1998-2000.
You many contact him at: jdeainc@juno.com or www.HopefortheHome.org.
About The Author

jdrace Email Author: jdeainc@juno.com
Jerry Drace is president of the Jerry Drace Evangelistic Association and the senior pastor of Friendship Baptist Church, Friendship, TN. He can be reached at: jdeainc@juo.com.