How often have you been in a situation where you observed a spouse being neglected? It may have been at a social affair, church service, or sporting event, nevertheless the pain of being slighted was registered on their face. Very few things in life make an individual feel more unloved and unwanted than being overlooked by the person they are with, especially if it is their spouse. Make sure your spouse is included in every introduction. Make him or her feel they are a vital part of your every day experiences. The one you always wanted to be with should always be the one you want to be with. Do not allow a friend or group of friends to gradually take you away from the one that took you away from them in the first place. As one wife stated, “My husband wants me with him at all his social functions and gatherings because I am attractive and a good listener. However, he never includes me personally in his conversation with others. I might just as well be in another room.”
After reading together Proverbs 5:15, and John 15:12, ask your spouse to share the last time they felt neglected or left out (do not defend yourself). Talk about the activities which brought you together in the first place. Plan one of those events again, just the two of you.
This series of devotions relating to marriage are taken from, 44 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage, by evangelist and pastor Dr. Jerry Drace. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, or copies of the entire book you may contact Dr. Drace at: