A word of praise and appreciation for your spouse in front of others not only affirms them, but speaks volumes about the strength of your marriage. There is nothing more uplifting and inspiring than to hear your name spoken by your spouse in complimentary terms. Remember your dating days. You could not say enough sweet things about the object of your love. The same should be true after marriage. Words, while small, carry such great weight.
Solomon knew the importance of a well intended word when he told his children, “A word fitly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver,” Proverbs 25:11. Words of praise will take your marriage farther and keep it sweeter longer than all the gifts you can purchase. It is not the classical words which wives love to hear. It is the romantic words like diamonds, emeralds, pearls, rubies, and sapphires. If you can’t afford to purchase these little sparkling words, do what I do, show her a picture of these jewels and tell her that if you could you would buy her one of each but even then they would not excel her beauty.
After reading together Proverbs 31:10-31, and Philippians 1:3, make a list of ten words which you feel describe your best qualities. Then swap lists with each other. Memorize each other’s top ten and begin to use those words of praise at home and in public. The benefits will be amazing.
This series of devotions relating to marriage are taken from, 44 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage, by evangelist and pastor Dr. Jerry Drace. If you are interested in obtaining a copy, or copies of the entire bookyou may contact Dr. Drace at: jdeainc@juno.com.