Devotion 17 – Maintain Your Marriage while Working Your Work

We have become a nation where many a husband and wife stay married to their work while divorcing their spouse.  The lie that it may be necessary to sacrifice your marriage and family to be successful has claimed many a victim.  At the conclusion of one of our Hope for the Home conferences, a gentleman approached me and asked if he might have a minute of my time. As we stepped outside into the hot, humid August night he related to me his story. He said that as a young pastor he modeled his ministry after men who pastored the mega-churches.  His ambition was to become the pastor of the largest church in his state.  In just a few short years he achieved his goal. He was well known among his peers and was a much sought after speaker in the major conferences and conventions of his denomination. Then he stopped talking. Tears began to fall from his eyes and splatter on the hot asphalt pavement and then he said….  If you want to read this pastor’s heart breaking confession it is on page 113 in my book, 44 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage.

A man may pastor and fail to pastor his own family. He may listen to the voices of other wives in his church and never hear the cry of his own wife. He may seek to save other children and lose his own.  Preaching at conventions, selling your books, and serving on executive committees may elevate you in the eyes of your peers while lowering you in the hearts of your spouse and children.

After reading  together Proverbs 13:7, and Mark 8:36, discuss with your spouse what, if any, stress is being created by the hours you put in at work.  Be open to the comments you receive. 

This series of devotions relating to marriage are taken from, 44 Ways to Strengthen Your Marriage, by evangelist and pastor Dr. Jerry Drace.  If you are interested in obtaining a copy, or copies of the entire bookyou may contact Dr. Drace at: